Awareness-raising and support programme for manufacturing businesses in their transformation into the industry of the future. This transformation is also known as “industry 4.0”, “factory 4.0” and “smart manufacturing”.
The fourth industrial revolution
The Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Big Data, the Cloud and product personalisation are all technological trends that are turning production methods and human resource management upside down. But they are also transforming the very nature of products, business models and relationships between businesses. This is the digital transformation.
Wallonia’s manufacturing industry is facing one of the biggest challenges in its history. Guaranteeing flawless quality, maintaining affordable prices for small production runs, achieving high volumes quickly, ensuring effective administration, doing business sustainably… And industry 4.0 is an opportunity to re-industrialise our region.
The Made Different Digital Wallonia programme transforms all of these challenges into opportunities. How are we going about it?
Made Different Digital Wallonia programme
The idea is to promote the programme to all of Wallonia’s industrial businesses, and help 200 companies thanks to diagnostic tools, in-depth analyses and action plans designed to achieve the industry of the future in four years.
Actions and tools
The Made Different Digital Wallonia approach
Raising awareness focuses on the priorities that have already been mentioned:
- smart processes,
- smart products,
- smart business models,
- the professions of the future and humans at the heart of the company,
- business networks.
The support offered is based on transforming production processes, and encompasses 7 transformations:
- World Class Manufacturing Technologies
- End-to-End Engineering
- Digital Factory
- Human Centred Production
- Networked Factory
- Eco-Production
- Smart Factory
Via the Interreg MecaTech project, businesses can also seek support for an 8th transformation related to “business models”: strategy, purchasing and sales.
Who to contact?
Please send any questions you might have to the programme’s general coordinator: Fanny Deliège
Made Different Digital Wallonia Partners
In order to tackle this major challenge for Wallonia, competitiveness clusters, sector-specific federations and research centres have decided to work together to put together a coherent, effective programme.
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